30 Best ChatGPT Prompts for Marketing to Increase Sales

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Podium Staff

Looking to streamline your marketing efforts with Chat GPT? Check out these helpful ChatGPT prompts for marketing to boost engagement and drive sales.
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ChatGPT, released by OpenAI, has only been available since around the end of 2022, but since then, it has become a household name for marketers and other business professionals. This tool helps speed up marketing processes and streamlines workflows, creating email subject lines, email campaigns, and writing other kinds of content that generate leads.

But, as an AI, ChatGPT is only as good as the prompt it receives. To use the ChatGPT chatbot well, you need to know how to write ChatGPT prompts to get the results you want.

How to Use ChatGPT in Marketing

To use ChatGPT in your marketing efforts, you’ll first need to understand how to write a prompt for ChatGPT. A good prompt ensures the system recognizes what you want and can follow that request to complete a job for you. Whether you want content marketing support or a promotional email chain, knowing how to use ChatGPT helps.

To use ChatGPT prompts effectively for your content marketing needs:

Provide Details and Ask Specific Questions

The first step to writing a good ChatGPT prompt is determining exactly what you need. You have to be specific with the AI, because it has no background information about your products, services, the content you want, or the purpose of your content. For example, you may need to ask for product descriptions or cold email scripts.

With that in mind, the more information you can give the system, the better. For example, if you just tell the system, “Write an email campaign about Christmas,” you will get a pretty generic result. However, if you give a stronger prompt to ChatGPT, such as, “Write a 200-word email in the form of a poem that explains X product and that it will be X cost for the holiday season,” you’re going to get results that are closer to your objective.

You can also ask ChatGPT specific questions to get the right result. For instance, if you already have an email campaign drawn up, you can put it into the system and ask ChatGPT to look for grammatical errors or suggest ways to improve it. You can feed it an article and ask it to summarize it or even to tell you if it’s organized in a way that is easy to understand.

Refine and Iterate

Once the system produces content, you can ask it to refine that content for you. If you get a 500-word block of text that isn’t quite in the right voice, you can ask ChatGPT to rewrite it in a different style or pull content out of the piece you like and ask it to rewrite around that new content. Just a few words about how you want to adjust your content can help.

Refining work this way can help you get closer to the outcome you want in a minimal amount of time, letting you tackle more projects. Remember, you can talk to ChatGPT like it’s a person, helping you bounce ideas back and forth until you get the content you’re looking for back from the AI.

Here’s an example.

If you ask ChatGPT to create an email and it produces one that is too long and too casual, you can respond: “Please reduce the email to 200 words and make it more serious.” The next output should follow those rules. If you find it’s now too serious, make a new suggestion. For instance, you can ask ChatGPT to use contractions or to add three emojis for emphasis within the content.

Double-Check the AI Output

Don’t forget that artificial intelligence is still new, so you can’t assume every piece of content will hit the mark right away. Additionally, as an AI, ChatGPT won’t always get everything right.

When you ask for AI-produced content, know that you’ll need to take time to check the output and verify that it’s accurate. If the chatbot produces any facts you didn’t give it, you should be sure to verify them and ensure they’re accurate. If they are not, you’ll need to swap them out by doing your own research.

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10 Marketing Prompts for ChatGPT

ChatGPT can do more than just create content. It can also help you create email campaigns, design funnels, and set up your marketing strategy for the quarter (or year).

ChatGPT Prompts for Email Marketing

Create content for your email marketing list fast with ChatGPT. Here are several ChatGPT prompts that make it easy to connect with your subscribers:

  1. Can you come up with a list of email subject lines for a campaign that promotes [X]? The audience we’re targeting is [describe your target audience]. Make sure to use strong verbs and focus on the benefits to grab attention and get them to open the email.
  2. Could you draft a weekly email newsletter for [target audience]? The main focus will be [main point/topic]. Please structure it with an Introduction, [Number] Main Points, a Conclusion, and a Call to Action. Keep the tone [casual/informative/professional], and aim for a [short/medium/long] length.
  3. Please create a cold email template for our sales team to use when reaching out about [product/service] to potential customers in the [X] industry.”
  4. Can you identify the top five reasons why subscribers typically unsubscribe from email lists? Please analyze these reasons and suggest specific strategies to address them in our email marketing campaigns. For example, could it be due to irrelevant content, too many emails, or a lack of clear benefits?
  5. Help me build an email marketing funnel for our [product/service]. [Describe your ideal customer profile]. The goal is to [sign-ups, purchases, downloads]. Let’s develop a multi-stage email sequence that nurtures leads and existing customers at different stages of their journey.
  6. Can you write 10 post-purchase email subject lines? Make sure they range from serious to funny, and include our company name, [company].
  7. Please build an email funnel for [industry] that nurtures leads and converts them into customers. Be sure to include [details] about [product or service] and a strong call to action in each email.
  8. Write a marketing strategy with a promotional email focus on an upcoming event, explaining why it’s important for the industry and how to sign up. Each email should have at least one call to action and be between 200 and 500 words.
  9. Can you draft two emails for [industry], tailored to [buyer persona 1] and [buyer persona 2]? Use [preferred voice] for each persona.
  10. Create three pieces of copy encouraging customers to share our email with a friend, colleague, or family member for a referral. Be sure to mention the [referral perk] and the [deadline] to motivate them to share.

ChatGPT Prompts for Social Media Marketing

ChatGPT is also great for social media marketing, and the best ChatGPT prompts can help you quickly create social media marketing campaigns that hit the mark. Here are several ideas to use as you get started:

  1. Can you come up with eye-catching headlines for each social media platform, keeping in mind their character limits and audience preferences? For example, I’d like to use humor for Twitter, visuals and a conversational tone for Instagram, and a more professional tone for LinkedIn posts.
  2. Can you develop content ideas for each social media platform? Think about what works best for our [target audience]. I think polls might be great for Twitter, Stories for Instagram, and in-depth discussions for LinkedIn, but keep them under 100 words.
  3. Let’s suss out why people might unfollow us on social media. It could be due to irrelevant or ill-timed content, posting too much or at the wrong times, or not interacting enough with ad content. Based on this, can we adjust our social media content strategy to reduce unfollows and keep people engaged on each platform?
  4. Can you design a content calendar for [social media platform] that helps nurture leads by educating them about [product/service]? Use platform-specific content formats, like short videos for Instagram, infographics for Twitter, and long-form articles for LinkedIn. Focus on addressing their pain points and guide them toward [desired CTA]. Also, let’s optimize for the platform’s algorithms to get better visibility.
  5. Can you outline a three-month social media campaign for [product], using our catchphrase [phrase]? As we get closer to the campaign’s end date, start including stronger calls to action, highlighting the limited time left.
  6. Could you design a four-month social media calendar for our [business] in [city]? We’re active on [platform], [platform], and [platform]. Include at least one post about [holiday] and another about [special event] for our customers, so they have the opportunity to attend.
  7. Think about social media content for Facebook. What can I do to catch the attention of younger users compared to the Millennials who are also using the platform?
  8. Can you come up with [X number of] YouTube titles and descriptions for our [new product]? Be sure to include details like [list out details for ChatGPT].
  9. “We need a series of social media posts leading up to [event] on [date]. Include [insert details] and remind people to sign up for tickets at [location/URL].
  10. “Can you make a social media post for [platform] about our new product, [product]? Include these details: [insert details].
  11. Can you take this email content and turn it into a script for [insert platform] that’s engaging for our social media followers? Here’s the content: [Insert content].

ChatGPT Prompts for a Marketing Strategy

Creating a marketing strategy can be tough, but with ChatGPT, getting the base strategy in place is easier. And, with a few tweaks, it’s simple to move forward and ensure your strategy is exactly what you need to make the best moves for your company.

Here are several of the best ChatGPT prompts you can use for your marketing strategy:

  1. Look into the [industry] market and identify different customer segments based on things like demographics, needs, and behaviors. For each segment, let’s outline what their buying opportunities might be for [product/service].
  2. Can you map out the customer journey for [product/service]? This should cover a customer’s interactions at different stages, like pre-awareness, awareness, consideration, purchase, and post-purchase. Include things like email marketing, social media ads, and landing pages. For each stage, suggest messaging and content that would work well with [target audience] to lead them toward a subscription.
  3. I’d like a format for creating personalized landing page headlines that really speak to [target audience]. Use their demographics, needs, and pain points to craft headlines that grab attention. I want to encourage conversions.
  4. Design three creative ways to encourage customers to leave positive reviews and ratings for [product/service]. Think about offering rewards, using gamification, or other methods of motivating them.
  5. Could you create a plan for a weekly email campaign targeting [target audience]? Include an outline with the main details, an introduction, and your preferred call to action (CTA).
  6. Use the AIDA model (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) to create a plan to attract new leads for [product or service]. Make sure to include any important details about the products or services.
  7. I’d like five ideas for Google Ad campaigns targeting [location], [location], and [location]. Keep our [preferred target audience information] in mind, and include details about the product or service in each campaign idea.
  8. Can you write four 30-second scripts for videos about [product]? The videos should explain [X details about the product] and how it benefits the consumer. I’d like to focus on audiences like [age, gender, demographic information, or other preferences].
  9. Our business has these strategy priorities for a LinkedIn Post: [list them]. What key performance indicators (KPIs) should we use to measure success?
  10. I’m planning a re-engagement campaign for people who have previously opened our emails and clicked through to view our products. Can you suggest ten ideas for emails to re-engage them, especially if they haven’t opened an email in the last two months? The target audience is [insert target audience].

Leverage the Power of AI with Podium

ChatGPT can help you with marketing campaigns, subject lines, ad copy, creating emails, and managing your content needs, but it’s not the only option for marketers to turn to. Turn to Podium’s AI Employee as a part of your marketing strategy. It’s an alternative that helps you get more done as your own digital personal assistant. Podium’s AI Employee is goal-oriented and integrated with your website, helping you respond to leads faster than your competition. It crafts invites and responses to build up your online reputation and keep your customers coming back for more.

Ready to leverage your new AI Employee? Watch a demo to see how.

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