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ClearDent via Sikka

Healthcare & Dental

About ClearDent via Sikka

Podium enhances your team’s efficiency by requesting reviews after an appointment is completed, sending appointment scheduled notifications to patients, and reminders messages for upcoming appointments.


  • Minimize missed appointments by automatically sending appointment reminders.
  • Prevent misunderstandings and provide better customer service by sending a verification text after a customer schedules an appointment.
  • Improve your online rating and get feedback on your business by requesting reviews after appointments.
  • Save time managing your contacts by seamlessly importing your contacts into Podium. No more copy and pasting between systems!
  • Improve customer satisfaction by thanking patients after receiving payments from them.

ClearDent via Sikka and Podium


V9.0.44, V9.2.43

Setup Process


  1. Click Connect.
  2. Select the Podium location you’d like to connect to ClearDent.
  3. Download the Sikka Platform Utility and follow the install prompts.
  4. Allow ClearDent to access the appropriate Podium data.
  5. Allow Podium to access the appropriate ClearDent data.
  6. Select the corresponding ClearDent location you wish to connect.
  7. Allow Podium to access contact sync and import.
  8. Click Finish.
  9. Select the automations to use with your ClearDent integration.
  10. Click Activate.

Use cases

  • Request a review

    Request a review after an appointment is completed in ClearDent

  • Unlock more value

    Notify patients of scheduled ClearDent appointments

  • Send reminders

    Send reminders for upcoming ClearDent Appointments

  • Unlock more value

    Send follow up messages for missed ClearDent appointments