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Financial & Professional Services

Developed by: Podium

Support Email: [email protected]

About HawkSoft

Podium can enhance your team’s efficiency by monitoring HawkSoft policies and sending out review requests.

  • Improve your online rating and get feedback on your business by requesting reviews after a policy is updated.
  • Enter a new contact once and see them in HawkSoft and Podium by automatically syncing contacts into Podium.

HawkSoft and Podium


All versions

Setup Process


  1. Go to the HawkSoft Marketplace.
  2. Navigate to Podium.
  3. Enable the Podium integration from the HawkSoft Marketplace.
  4. Click the Help bar in HawkSoft.
  5. Selecting License Info.
  6. Note your Agency/Contract ID; You’ll need to enter it later.


  1. Click Connect.
  2. Select the Podium location you’d like to connect to HawkSoft.
  3. Allow HawkSoft to access the appropriate Podium data.
  4. Allow Podium to access the appropriate HawkSoft data.
  5. Select your Country.
  6. Allow Podium to access to contact syncing features.
  7. Select your HawkSoft Office(s).
  8. Click Finish.
  9. Select the automations to use with your Hawksoft integration.
  10. Click Activate.